glauber salt curative water
Magnesium (Mg2+): | 496 mg/l |
Sodium (Na+): | 4800 mg/l |
Calcium (Ca2+): | 230 mg/l |
Hydrogen-carb. (HCO3): | 1226 mg/l |
Sulphate (SO42-): | 8060 mg/l |
Chloride (Cl-): | 2700 mg/l |
Sum total of ingredients: | 17565 mg/l |
Sodium sulphate determines the components of curative water, but the curative water contains regular household salt and magnesium sulphate (bitter salt) also.
The moderate bitter salt content of Mira galuber salty curative water has a mild laxative and intestinal cleaning effect. The curative water washes the intestinal tracks, loosens infectious matter from the mucous membrane, eliminates bacterium that causes rheum - its decay products-, and it empties them with excrement. The curative water also acts to clean the bile ducts. The gall bladder empties thanks to effect of the glauber salt which contracts the gall bladder. Bile stagnation, which leads to the formation of stones, ceases. Bile disassociation intensifies in the liver, which causes the gallbladder to fill with fresh bile very quickly; conditions for gallstones and risk for the formation of milder infections is not present. The solidification of the gall fluids in the gallbladder plays an important role in the formation of gallstones. This happens when the gallbladder doesn't retract for hours and the solidified bile doesn't empty. The cholesterol reaches the concentration when it expels and it acts in the formation of gallstones. After the exhaustion of the bile, fresh bile fluid arrives from the liver, in which the cholesterol concentration is far from expelling and concentrating. But in a few hours it will get concentrated again, and the danger of stone formation will develop. All of this can be prevented with the regular consumption of Mira curative water. The diet-like use of the curative water blocks the formation of gallstones and the development of gallbladder infection. The practiced affect of the Mira glaluber salty water for metabolism has been known for a long time. The newest examinations by professor Halmy Laszlo and his partner Dr. Kovacs Ferenc also support this. They treated overweight patients with 1000-1500 kcal energy content diets, which they supplemented with 3 x 2 Mira curative water every day; the control group only received the diet. After four weeks, they discovered that the overweight people that drank the Miral glaubersalty curative water lost noticeably more weight than the ones in the control group. Besides this, significant improvement occurred in their serum cholesterol levels (LDL cholesterol and triglyceride, which signifies increased risk of atherosclerosis, decreased in their blood) and the usability of carbohydrates in the body improved (blood sugar level decreased). On these grounds, it can be said that Mira water can be successfully used to complement diets. Not only weight loss will occur with its consumption, but side effects obesity, like diabetes and high lipid levels will also be reduced.
For the treatment of biliary and gall stone problems, 2-3dl of the Mira glauber salty water is suggested once or twice a day, and should be used for 4-6 weeks for chronic illnesses. For enteritis, the consumption of 1-2 dl is suggested. The curative water has to be drunk on an empty stomach. 3 x 2 dl is suggested after meals if used as diet supplement. For diabetes, high cholesterol levels, or liver infection (viral and toxic), 2-3 dl is recommended.
The product cannot be used in the following cases
In the event of acute gastric and intestinal catarrh, lack of gastric acid, bleeding gastric and intestinal ulcer, the weakness of the heart, as well as diarrhoea, vomiting and significant loss of fluids brought on by other reasons.
Historical survey
Mira curative water was found during research in the early 1920s, in the border of Jaszkarakno; its production started a short time later. The curative water flows two to four meters below the surface inside of the small area. During which the clay's pyrite gets broken into sulfric acid, which brings dissolved soil nutrients and dolomite to the surface. At the beginning of the bottling process, weaker quality water from the three meter wells were qualified and marketed as bitter water (Mira bitter water, Mira Baby), and the water exploited from the four meter wells were labeled and sold as glauber salty water (Mira glauber salty water). But later it turned out that sodium sulphate (glauber salty) was a common element in all three waters and difference could exclusively be seen in all the dissolved substance contents. The establishment of the first two wells can be traced, based of the chemical analysis of Hanki Vilmos, to 1920. Then the bottler was built in 1922 and was owned by P. Palne. A 25 cm tall bank protected the curative water from contamination from rain water. Not long after, they built a fancily designed well house. The land was excellently equipped. Two suction motors, two dynamos, and its own electric field. A 4.8 kilometer long industrial railway connected the land with the village of Vezseny. The estate was rented in 1926 by the Mira Curative and Bitter water spring Rt. The chemical analysis of Hanko Vilmos, between 1920 and 1922, showed 47-49g/l of the dissolved component parts, and from the 70-80% glauber salt content he determined that it is incomparable to similar mineral waters. Mira curative water made it into England, France, and South America before World War II. Since then, mainly samples have been making it overseas in hopes of possible export.
Logistics data
Packing :
EAN code:
0,7 l
12er crate
32 (8x4)
384 (32x12)
Packing :
EAN code:
0,7 l
one way
10er shrink wrapped pack
68 (17x4)
680 (68x10)