Stomach illnesses and the parad sulphurous curative water

Two “Csevice” springs arise from the Szechenyi mountain, on the western side of the Parad valley, it got in circulation under the name “Paradi water”.

A brief historical overview

Two “Csevice” springs arise from the Szecheny mountain, on the western side of the Parad valley. It got in circulation under the name “Paradi water”. Paradsasvar got its reputation from these springs, as well as from the glass factory that built by the Orczy family, which is still in operation today. Until 1905 the factory only made medical glasses and bottles needed for the marketing of the Paradi curative water.

As it often happens with curative waters, animals sooner found the Parad water than people. The shepherds that were grazing their flocks noticed that the animals, no matter how thirsty, would leave the fields and would always go to one or two familiar sources of water. Later the shepherds tried some of that water, and the news of Csevice gradually spread. The Hungarian medical world learned rather late about the Parad curative waters, only in the mid eighteenth century: Bel Matyas, the Bratislav scientist Professor had already mentioned the Parádsasvár sulfurous sour water in 1735. The discovery of the Parad curative water actually happened in 1763, when Markhot Francis, Heves county's medical officer reported a detailed description of them. Dr. Kitaibel Paul completed the first chemical analysis of the Parádsasvár Csevice springs, then in 1798 and later in 1827, prof. Meissner subjected the water sources to a more accurate test. The Parad hydrogen-sulphate sour waters are the product of the after-effects of volcanic eruptions.

In 1827, a pump-room was built above the Csevice I spring, which is the blue labeled Parád sulphurous water, and next to it a bathhouse was constructed. Much had changed in 1881 in the neighborhood. The old spa was demolished and was replaced by a Renaissance-style chateau, built in the middle of a large park of the Karolyi family, it was created according to plans by Miklós Ybl. They named the castle Sasvár "this is where the town received its current name – Parádsasvár- from. In 1892 a pagoda like bottling area was also built according to plans by Miklós Ybl.

The medical use of curative waters

Dr. Schulhof Odon edited and wrote most part of the more than a thousand page book „the mineral and curative waters of Hungary” which was published in 1957. In it, a detailed analysis of the use of curative waters for stomach illnesses can be found. We also know more about the alkaline waters from this book. The Paradi sulfurous water belongs to this category, which is an alkaline water (with 1.8 g/l carbohydrate content) that has been used for over 200 years; it is an excellent curative water, of which 6mg sulfur also is a factor in determining its nature.

Schulhof describes that it was disputed for a long time whether alkaline curative water reduces or increases gastric-fluid secretion. After a thorough analysis and research, the following was concluded: the increase or decrease in the separation of gastric fluid depends on whether it is consumed on empty stomach or with food. Drinking alkaline water two hours before a meal reduces the gastric secretion, but it is increases it when consumed with food.

This recognition is of great importance in the application of the Parad sulphurous water, since it has a beneficial effect on hyper acidity when consumed before a meal. This was explained by the impact that the curative water has when it gets into the intestines quickly from the empty stomach and prevents the secretion of gastric fluids with is reflective effect. The patient's complaints may be further soothed with the sulfur that is found in the medicinal water, which has a mucolytic effect, and it results in gastric mucus purifying from infectious matter. Sulfur speeds up gastric movement and thus the alkaline stomach content is removed from the stomach after a short period of time. As a result, after the consumption of the water, the patient soon feels relieved, and his complaints are milder.

Its effect is not strong and durable enough for the decrease of gastric fluid separation when consumed with meal; the food re-stimulates gastric acid production. Both the former and the latter effects were observed in animals and humans alike.

In the cases of acid reflux and acid deficient gastritis, the consumption of 1-2 dl of Parád sulfurous curative water is sufficient to achieve a positive effect, but the patient should be made aware of the the timing - two hours before a meal, or even at the same time as eating, depending on what effect the physician intends to achieve.

It is worth noting that the application of Parad sulphurous curative water is rich, even after feast like meals, not only in promoting digestion but many unpleasant symptoms (bloating, stomach pressure, discomfort) can be reduced with the occasional consumption of 2-3 dL. Some experts have argued that the consumption of the water with alcohol prevents the adverse gastrointestinal symptoms and alleviates hangover the next day.

In Hungary, it can be thanked to the great history of the Parad sulphurous water that it plays an important role in complementing treatments not only in households but in Hungarian hospitals as well (especially the Parádfürdő public hospital).

1 liter vízben oldott alkotórészek ionokban kifejezett és mg-ban megadott mennyisége
Kálium (K+)12 mg
Nátrium (Na+)470 mg
Ammónium (NH4+)2.8 mg
Kalcium (Ca2+)174 mg
Magnézium (Mg2+)50 mg
Vas (Fe2+)0.12 mg
Mangán (Mn2+)0.94 mg
Lítium (Li+)0.25 mg
A kationok összege:710 mg
Nitrát (NO3-)nem mutatható ki
Nitrit (NO2-)0.06 mg
Klorid (Cl-)47 mg
Bromid (Br-)nem mutatható ki
Jodid (J-)0.018 mg
Fluorid (F-)0.42 mg
Szulfát (SO42-)144 mg
Hidrogénkarbonát (HCO3-)1780 mg
Szulfid (S2-)6.2 mg
Összes foszfát (PO43-)0.21 mg
Az anionok összege:1978 mg
Metaborsav (HBO2)0.6 mg
Metakovasav (H2SiO3)16.1 mg
Szabad szénsav (CO2)1740 mg
Oldott oxigén (O2)nem mutatható ki
Összesen:4613 mg
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