Our children's curative water, the mira baby

Hungary's mineral and curative waters are unique in quantity and quality all around the world. They are medically recognized and have excellent effects. Our only children's curative water is included in these, the Tiszajeno glaubersalty Mira Baby.

The Mira glauber salty and the Mira Baby curative waters only differ in their strength. The Mira Baby children's curative water has 4.5 g of glauber salt (Na2SO4) and next to this many useful micro elements. This has a big significance in pediatrics because in contrast to Hunyadi Janos and Ferenc Jozsef buda waters, it it not bitter but has a mildly salty taste. Specially flavored, (in tea, juice, etc) it can easily be given to children, it is child friendly. The curative water has an ideal laxative effect because of its glauber salt and sulfate content.

The most important question surfaces; in what cases should we use laxative products in pediatricians? The answer: constipation, gastritis, milder forms of enteritis, viral/bacterial infections, food poisoning, or for the consumption of heavy metals. It is also effective for stomach and intestinal problems that result from improper diet (digestive problems, bloating, etc.).

A general rule is that before the treatment of mentioned problems (with the exception of exicosis, dangerous dehydration) the intestinal contents always have to be emptied first. The one time larger dose of Mira Baby can easily do this, since it has a mild laxative effect. It leaches the intestinal tracks, separates infectious matter from the mucous membrane, alienates bacterium, viruses, and decay matter that causes catarrh, and empties them with the stool.

Mira Baby curative water cannot be used for unknown causes of stomach pain, lieus, infectious intestinal problems, bleeding, acid deficiency, and for significant fluid loss.

Mira Baby is a registered curative water. It enjoyed the support of the social security in the seventies. It is time for it to be rediscovered!

Dr. Bartus József, szakgyógyszerész

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