Short history of our company

The history of MEDAQUA LTD can be traced back to 1986. ELPAK GMK was founded during that year and it was active in that company form for five years; until the early 90s it mostly worked with the yearly maintenance of bottling businesses. The company got in relation with the Paradsasvar and Tiszajeno medical and mineral water manufacturers at the end of the 80's by belonging to this field of work. At first, the company renewed the two plants, rented them, then bought them.

The year of 1991 brought a newer change to the business of ELPAK Ltd The development and expansion of its profile needed a new organizational form, therefore the company transformed into Ltd. However, in 1997 ELPAK outgrew that form too; since then it has been active as a publicly shared market. In January of 2000, the two plants were separated; the association created two self-sufficient limited companies. PACKER Ltd took over the aspect of technical bottling, wile MEDAQUA Ltd assumed the responsibilities of the whole medical and mineral commerce.

The product selection and the marketing regime was quite simple in the beginning. The merchandise was made up of the products taken over from the two bottling plants. The current has evolved with the development of new products and with the improvement of its already existing image.

At first, the buyers were served from the two manufacturing plants, but it soon became evident that the whole country couldn't be supplied only from the two sites. The company gradually developed its current distributive system. Beside the bottling plants, there is a working factory store. Three separate warehouse stores were also opened and a distributor company is helping with he shipment of our products.


MEDAQUA KFT Head office

Managing director: Palik Tibor
Chief Accountant: Bezzeg Györgyné
Technical director: Teyman Zoltán
Commercial director: Cselkóné Szőke Katalin

3200 Gyöngyös, Keleti Karácsondi köz 1.
Tel.: (37) 316-480, 316-483, 316-098, 311-958

Medaqua központ Medaqua kút
Bottling plants and warehouses

Medicinal and Mineral Water Plant

3242 Parádsasvár, Rákóczi út 3.
Tel./Fax: +36 (36) 364-013
Works manager: Szabóné Fényesi Ágnes
Store manager and regional representative: Bakonyi Mária

Mira Plant

5094 Tiszajenő, Belsőjenő 5.
Mobile: (30) 206-3320
Tel./Fax: +36 (56) 434-022
Works manager: Berze Erika


1107 Budapest X., Árpa út 1.
Tel./Fax: +36 1/263-0018, +36 1/263-0215
Store manager: Pável Viktor

Distributor - Northern Transdanubia

Sauervin BT
Order taker: Sauer Imre

9072 Nagyszentjános, Sport u 29.
Tel./Fax: +36 (96) 544-034

Foreign partners

(ЧП «Себ-Фармация»)

ul. Butlerova Akademika 2. 02090 Kijev
Contact person: Irina Chepil
Tel.: +380 (44) 230-70-32

Czech Republic, Slovakia
Területi képviselő: Thermia s.r.o.

934 05 Levice, Zdenka Nejedlého 2877/53
Tel.: +421 (903) 721 041
Contact person: Ing. Ján Szakál

Centrum Medycyny Funkcjonalnej

40-097 Katowice, ul. 3 Maja 22/1.
Tel.: + 48 (32) 7818015, 3537578
Contact Person: Dr. Siergiej Masiuk